Is Diet Coke Bad For Me?

Claims made about Diet coke.
The usual quote when someone sees you drinking diet coke is “you know it’s worse for you than normal coke”.

Claims made about Diet coke.
The usual quote when someone sees you drinking diet coke is “you know it’s worse for you than normal coke”

The claims are:

1, Diet coke gives you cancer

  1. Diet coke makes you fat
  2. Diet coke is bad for your gut microbiome
  3. Diet coke makes you crave more sugar

Are these true?

All of these are false and been repeatedly disproved by many studies.

1.These studies are done with huge dosages in vitro that humans could never consume. 1000x what we could consume

No study has ever been done on humans to support that Artificial sweetener cause cancer.

  1. There is no data to ever support they increase body fat. Randomised control trials show people lost just as much weight drinking water as drinking artificially sweetened beverages
  2. Recent human studies show no unfavourable change in guy microbiome consuming diet drinks.
  3. It does not make you want consume more sugar shown by this mice study below.

Study Design

Mice are given an artificial sweetener solution and sugar solution;

One group of mice have no sweet taste receptor

-After 48 hours the mice almost only drank from the SUGAR SOLUTION

– Even mice who can’t taste sweet taste only drink from sugar solution after a while
– Results show the exisitence of sugar specific pathway rather than a sweet taste pathway. Meaning sugar and artificial sweeteners are not the same.
– Glucose acts on the gut to activate neural pathways that tells the brain there is a presence of sugar. ARTIFICIAL SWEETNERS DO NOT.
– The gut-brain axis that is present is why even mice who can’t taste sweetness drink almost only from the sugar solution
– Artificial Sweeteners do not give the same signal


Diet coke and other artificially sweetened drinks are perfectly healthy addition to any healthy diet and can help with fat loss.

Tags :
Fat Loss,Lifestyle,Nutrition

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